

Learn about the Burseraceae family, a moderate-sized family of woody flowering plants found in tropical regions of the world. This family is known for its resinous trees and shrubs, including the frankincense tree, which has been used for thousands of years for medicinal and religious purposes. Discover the characteristics of Burseraceae, including their contorted trunks, compound leaves, and actinomorphic flowers. Find out how to care for Burseraceae plants and learn about the benefits of this family, including their use in traditional medicine and as ornamental plants.


What is Burseraceae?

The Burseraceae family is a moderate-sized family of woody flowering plants found in tropical regions of the world. It consists of 17-19 genera and about 540 species. One well-known genus in this family is Boswellia, which includes the frankincense tree. The resin from the frankincense tree has been used for thousands of years for medicinal and religious purposes, as well as in perfumes and incense.

The Burseraceae family is characterized by its resinous trees and shrubs. The leaves are usually alternate and compound, and the flowers are actinomorphic and unisexual or less often bisexual. The trunks and main branches of the plants are often contorted and reddish in color. These plants can grow up to 25 feet tall and have several contorted trunks. The bark of the plants is often used for its essential oils and resin.

The Burseraceae family is an important source of medicinal and aromatic compounds. For example, the resin from the frankincense tree has been used for centuries to treat arthritis, asthma, inflammation, wounds, and infections.

Characteristics of Burseraceae

The Burseraceae family is a moderate-sized family of woody flowering plants, consisting of 17-19 genera and about 540 species. This family is also known as the torchwood family and is a part of the Sapindales order. The Burseraceae family is known for its resinous trees and shrubs, which have essential oils and resins in their bark. These plants are distributed in tropical regions of the New World, Africa, and Asia.

The trees and shrubs of the Burseraceae family are usually small to medium-sized, but some species can grow up to 25 feet tall. The trunks and branches of these plants are often contorted and reddish in color. The leaves of the Burseraceae family are usually compound and alternate, and the flowers are actinomorphic and unisexual or less often bisexual.

The Burseraceae family includes economically important plants such as frankincense and myrrh, which have been used for centuries for their medicinal and aromatic properties. Other genera in the family include Bursera, Canarium, and Protium, which are used for timber and edible fruits.

Types of Burseraceae

The Burseraceae family is a moderate-sized family of woody flowering plants, consisting of around 17-19 genera and approximately 540 species. This family is commonly known as the Torchwood family and is part of the order Sapindales. Members of the Burseraceae family are typically resinous trees and shrubs found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

The Burseraceae family includes economically important species such as frankincense and myrrh, which have been used in traditional medicine and religious ceremonies. Other notable genera in the family include Bursera, Commiphora, and Boswellia.

Members of the Burseraceae family are typically characterized by their pinnately compound leaves and actinomorphic and unisexual or less often bisexual flowers. The family is known for its aromatic resins, which have been used for incense, perfume, and medicine.

Caring for Burseraceae

The Burseraceae family is a moderate-sized family of woody flowering plants that includes 17-19 genera and about 540 species. Members of this family are resinous trees and shrubs native to tropical regions of the New World, Africa, and Asia.

The Burseraceae family includes economically important species such as frankincense and myrrh, which have been used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies, traditional medicine, and cosmetics.

The leaves of Burseraceae plants are typically alternate and compound, with pinnate or palmate venation. The flowers are actinomorphic and unisexual or less often bisexual. The fruit is usually a drupe or capsule containing one or more seeds, which are often dispersed by animals or wind.

Some genera in the Burseraceae family, such as Boswellia, Commiphora, and Bursera, are known for their use in traditional medicine and as ornamental plants.

Benefits of Burseraceae

The Burseraceae family is a moderate-sized family of woody flowering plants, consisting of 17-19 genera and around 540 species. These resinous trees and shrubs are found in tropical regions of the New World, Africa, and Asia.

The Burseraceae family is known for its resinous bark and leaves, which have been used for medicinal purposes. Some well-known species in this family include frankincense and myrrh, which have been used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies, traditional medicine, and perfumes.

Genera such as Bursera and Boswellia are known for their resinous bark, which is used for incense and medicinal purposes. The Burseraceae family is also important for its ecological role in tropical forests.


